Things You Should Know About Social Media Marketing

Things You Should Know About Social Media Marketing

Undoubtedly, the impact of social media platforms on our lives is undeniable. According to statistics, over three-quarters of the world’s population, aged 13 and above, use social media actively, accounting for a colossal 4.74 billion users. In simpler terms, social media marketing offers a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with a large customer base on various platforms where they spend a significant amount of their time.

Furthermore, social media marketing allows companies of any size to compete with giant competitors on a level playing field. But now questions arise for businesses: what exactly comes under social media marketing? Is it genuinely important for my business? And which are the right social media platforms to market our products and services?

In this post, we will cover everything you need to know to build a strong social media strategy that works perfectly for your business!

Social media marketing is the process of utilizing various social media platforms to promote products and services. It involves connecting with the right audience, building a community, engaging potential customers, driving traffic, attracting leads, and ultimately achieving conversions. The essence of social media marketing lies in precisely targeting customers and audiences on the platforms where they actively spend their time online.

Moreover, unlike traditional marketing, which relied on one-way communication, modern social media marketing facilitates two-way interactions. Customers now have the ability to share their feedback and reviews on social media channels, and businesses must promptly respond to build strong relationships with their audience. This active engagement fosters a sense of trust and openness, which are crucial for fostering brand loyalty and long-term success in this highly competitive digital era.

When more eyes are on a brand, businesses can build a larger following and foster a loyal customer base. Social media marketing (SMM) is genuinely valuable for businesses of all sizes (you’ll see it in the next section).

Is Social Media Marketing Important?

In today’s digital landscape, SMM is essential for businesses to reach a wider global audience. The number of social media users has skyrocketed in the last decade, with an estimated 4.9 billion active users in 2023, projected to rise to approximately 5.85 billion by 2027. In the USA alone, there are 302.35 million people actively using social media platforms.

Furthermore, users are allowed to more than just one social media platform; they now spend time on almost six to seven platforms each month. Given this significant user presence, social media marketing becomes a powerful tool with unlimited advantages for businesses of all sizes. 

To harness its potential, businesses must create an effective social media marketing strategy tailored to their specific type of business. By doing so, they can tap into the vast opportunities provided by these platforms and establish a strong online presence to connect with their target audience effectively.

What Are Social Media Platforms?

Social media platforms are online websites and apps that facilitate the sharing and creation of ideas and information. They enable businesses to reach wider audiences and individuals to connect and communicate with each other. There are a plethora of social media sites catering to the diverse needs and requirements of audiences. The leading social media platforms, based on their audience size, include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest.

Having said that, social media as a whole can be extremely beneficial for thriving businesses. However, the effectiveness of a social media marketing strategy depends on identifying which social media platform your intended audience spends the most time on. Let’s dive into some of the leading social media platforms in detail.

Top Social Media Marketing Platforms



Facebook, the largest and most well-established social media platform, has an astounding user base of 2.934 billion active global users. Marketers can harness the potential of this vast audience through a robust Facebook marketing strategy. Plus, the powerful Facebook Ads Manager, allows for easy creation and targeting of ads based on various factors, such as interests, age, location, gender, purchase behavior, and job title.

Furthermore, Facebook offers the unique advantage of creating custom audiences using contact information like phone numbers and email addresses. The cost-effectiveness of Facebook ads is also worth noting, as campaigns can be initiated with a mere $1 budget. Leveraging the power of a Facebook business page opens doors to reach an even wider audience, but it is crucial to maintain regular updates to ensure its effectiveness.



Following Facebook, the next most popular social media network is Instagram, boasting an impressive 1.386 billion active users. Launched 12 years ago, this platform has taken the world by storm, captivating users with its visually appealing images and videos. Notably, Instagram is owned by Facebook, offering seamless integration of features and tools.

Similar to Facebook, Instagram provides a plethora of creative tools that enable users to craft engaging posts, effectively connecting with the millennial audience in innovative ways. It serves as an ideal platform for businesses looking to reach their target audience through captivating photos and videos. As a mobile-first platform, it’s essential to optimize the content for mobile devices to ensure maximum impact.

Instagram also offers advertising opportunities, allowing businesses to directly run ads and reach their desired audience. By leveraging this platform’s unique features, businesses can tap into a vast pool of potential customers and enhance their online presence.



TikTok, a short video-sharing platform, has experienced an unprecedented surge in popularity over the past few years. With an impressive user base of 1 billion active users, it achieved remarkable fame in 2020 and is projected to witness a year-over-year increase of 14.6%.

The platform’s content primarily consists of short and engaging videos featuring viral hacks, dances, tutorials, and intriguing kits, providing businesses with a novel way to connect with their audience. Apart from merely sharing videos, companies can effectively utilize TikTok as a promotional tool.

One interesting fact about TikTok is the average time users spend on the platform, which amounts to 22.9 hours per month. This figure surpasses the average time spent on any other social media platform, making TikTok an incredibly promising space for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience.



With 576 million active users, Snapchat holds a significant position as an important social networking platform. It is primarily designed for sending real-time events and updates, making it an excellent choice for businesses aiming to launch products and conferences in real time.

Although it reached its peak in 2015, Snapchat continues to maintain its popularity, particularly among the younger audience. It serves as a valuable tool for brands that wish to target their audience within the age range of 18 to 24.

Given its real-time nature and youthful user base, Snapchat offers unique opportunities for businesses to engage with their target market, create buzz around their offerings, and foster a sense of urgency that encourages immediate action.



LinkedIn stands out as a distinctive social networking site tailored exclusively for working professionals. It stands apart from other platforms by providing a space where audience goals are explicitly defined. Here, professionals connect to expand their networks and seek new career opportunities, and companies scout for potential hires.

With an impressive membership of 875 million individuals, LinkedIn serves as an ideal hub for B2B (business-to-business) companies aiming to identify key decision-makers and cultivate a community specific to their industry.

By using LinkedIn as a crucial component of their marketing strategy, B2B companies can establish invaluable connections, showcase their expertise, and build relationships with potential clients and partners. The platform’s focus on professionalism and career-oriented interactions makes it a powerful tool for businesses seeking to thrive in the corporate world.

X (also known as Twitter)

X (aka Twitter)

Twitter, a microblogging platform, boasts an active user base of 544 million individuals. What sets Twitter apart from other social media platforms is its primary focus on words, making it a unique space for concise and impactful communication.

Since its inception, Twitter has continually expanded its array of powerful tools to enhance the user experience. Among these tools, Twitter Moments enables users to share captivating and noteworthy content with their followers. Another noteworthy addition is Twitter Spaces, an audio tool that facilitates live audio conversations, fostering real-time engagement with audiences.

Furthermore, Twitter offers the Twitter Ads platform, empowering businesses to connect with other Twitter users and effectively promote their products or services. By leveraging this diverse set of features, individuals and companies can maximize their presence on Twitter and engage with a vast and dynamic audience, all while embracing the power of concise and compelling messaging.



YouTube, the second-most visited website globally, has solidified its reputation as the ultimate platform for building a vibrant community. With a staggering 2 billion monthly active users and an impressive 30 million paid subscribers, YouTube reigns as a dominant force in the realm of social networks. Its pioneering role in video marketing has revolutionized the industry, catapulting businesses and content creators to new heights.

Notably, YouTube holds the distinction of being the second-largest search engine in the world, making it an invaluable tool for discovery and engagement. The platform continues to evolve with the times, introducing innovative features like YouTube Shorts, Live Streaming, Chapters, and the Community Tab, all designed to enrich user experiences and foster deeper connections within the community. 

YouTube’s user demographics reveal that 54.4% of its users are male, while 45.6% are female. Interestingly, the majority of YouTubers themselves fall within the age group of 15 to 35 years old, signifying a youthful and dynamic community driving content creation on the platform.



Pinterest, a captivating social network, boasts an impressive user base of over 463 million active users worldwide. This American image-sharing platform is specifically designed to facilitate the saving and discovery of new and exciting information on the internet, making it an ideal destination for users seeking inspiration and ideas.

For e-commerce businesses, Pinterest is a must-have networking site, thanks to its remarkable impact on purchasing behavior. An astounding 87% of “pinners” have reportedly made a purchase after engaging with the platform’s content.

Moreover, businesses can directly promote their products on Pinterest through its built-in shopping feature. By creating engaging pins, marketers can establish direct connections with their audience and seamlessly sell their products to interested consumers.

With its exceptional potential to inspire and drive consumer actions, Pinterest holds a prominent position in the world of social media, making it a valuable asset for businesses looking to reach and engage with a highly creative audience.

Advantages of Social Media Marketing

Advantages of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing offers numerous advantages for businesses looking to expand their online presence and engage with their target audience. 

By leveraging popular social media platforms, businesses can reach a broader audience, build brand awareness, and foster customer loyalty. With the ability to create targeted ad campaigns, analyze audience insights, and interact directly with customers, social media marketing presents a cost-effective and efficient way to drive traffic, increase sales, and build a strong online community. Embracing social media marketing can lead to significant growth opportunities and a competitive edge in the digital landscape.

Bottom Line

Social media marketing is an excellent method for reaching a broader audience, driving traffic, and engaging with targeted consumers. With billions of users active on social media today, businesses must utilize these platforms to promote their products and services effectively.

To optimize the benefits of social networks, businesses must develop a robust social media strategy. This involves setting clear objectives, selecting suitable platforms, and crafting content tailored to the intended audience. To get the most out of social networks, it is important for businesses to work on a robust social media strategy to increase their following, boost conversions, and amplify customer engagement.

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Jessica is passionate about exploring and sharing the latest advancements, trends, and innovations in the ever-evolving world of technology. With a keen interest in cutting-edge gadgets, software, and digital solutions, she thrives on unravelling complex technical concepts and translating them into accessible and engaging content for readers. Equipped with a deep understanding of the tech industry, Jessica has a finger on the pulse of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, augmented reality, and the Internet of Things (IoT).